Beauty – The Social ContractMorning routines, evening routines, self-care routines, we all have some sort of ritual that we perform for certain intangible outcomes…May 12, 20222May 12, 20222
Pregnancy and Patriarchy: Rihanna’s BellyPregnancy and motherhood have been held as the pinnacle of womanhood, despite the life long unpaid labour that comes along with mothering…Mar 23, 20223Mar 23, 20223
Beauty Journeys: A Marginalised RouteIn my essay on British Beauty History, I spoke briefly about the Caribbean and African migration to the UK and how they created spaces to…Mar 17, 2022Mar 17, 2022
the changing face of beautyThe painful nature of beauty has long existed in cultures around the world. Women have always been subjected to archaic concepts of beauty…Mar 8, 20221Mar 8, 20221
the modern body: surgery on the marketplaceThe controversial and popular surgery brazilian butt lift (BBL) is an iconic feature of popular culture. I want to take a sociological…Dec 21, 2021Dec 21, 2021